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RSV Minerals is a leading engineering design and project management and consultancy firm, specialising in the Coal and Uranium mining, Thermal Energy and Infrastructure sectors.

We are a single source project service provider, offering solutions for individual customer needs from resource estimation to final commissioning and production ramp-up.

RSV Minerals is registered with the SABS in terms of ISO 9001: 2008.

Tel: +27 10 109 9190

Related Projects

Project NameClient NameProject LocationProject DescriptionScope of ServicesProject ValueDuration
Zibulo Project – ZondagsfonteinAnglo American PlatinumSouth AfricaShaft sinking and quality control managementProject management, management and control of the overall plot plan, civil, mechanical and electrical design, process flow diagrams for the provision of potable, fire and service water, SLD for electrical reticulation, detailed engineering drawings and layoutsUndisclosed2010-2011
Waterberg Coal ProjectUmbono Capital PartnersWaterberg, Limpopo, South AfricaWaterberg Coal ProjectUndertake a conceptual study on the Waterberg Coal ProjectZAR1 million2011
Tweefontein Optimisation – FEED ProjectXstrata CoalSouth AfricaFront-end engineering designThe RSV Enco/Parsons Brinkerhoff Joint Venture was appointed for the completion of the front-end engineering design for 10% capital estimate. Services included project management, civil, structural, mechanical, electrical and instrumentation design, drafting services, quantity surveying services, drafting services and geotechnical investigationZAR40 million2010 - 2011
TNC ProjectOptimum Coal HoldingsWitbank, South AfricaPre-feasibility studyPre-feasibility study for the TNC Mining BlockZAR1.5 million2012
Thubelisha Mine Project – EPCMSasol MiningSecunda, Mpumalanga, South AfricaEPCM ServicesDevelopment of the complete mine complex including the shaft systems (service, ventilation and decline shaft), materials handling systems (surface 18km overland conveyor, surge bunker and underground conveyors and surge bins) together with all supporting mine infrastructure (offices, workshops, change house, water supply and power supplyZAR300 million2008 – Current
T-Project Capital Budget Estimate RevisionAfrican Mining Exploration Finance CorporationSouth AfricaGreenfields development of a coal mine exploiting both the No 4 and No 5 seams with the No 4 seam product targeted for the Eskom market and the No 5 targeted for the torbanite to oils and export marketScope of work involves conducting a techno-economic bankable feasibility study which covers the mining operations, the coal processing facilities and all surface support infrastructure and supply of bulk servicesZAR2.2 billion2008-2009
Sterkfontein Coal ProjectKeaton EnergyMpumalanga, South AfricaConceptual studyMine design and mine planning for an underground mineZAR 500,0002012
Mbila ProjectZYLKwaZulu Natal, South AfricaFeasibility studyResponsible for overall project management and infrastructure design of Mbila Anthracite Mine. Scope includes capital estimating and financial modellingZAR20.0 millionCurrent (2012)
Marapule South Coal ProjectHodgesBotswanaConceptual studyUndertake a complete conceptual studyZAR2012
Makhado Coal ProjectCoal of AfricaSouth AfricaFeasibility study and front-end engineering designProject management, engineering design (civil, structural, mechanical and electrical) and drafting services, management of mine design for three open-cast pits, scoping study for underground mining upside potential, procurement, peer reviews and review of cost estimatesZAR8.5 million2010 - 2011
Majuba Care and Maintenance ProjectEskomAmersfoort, Mpumalanga, South AfricaCare and maintenance projectInvestigate the potential of acid mine drainage from the old Majuba CollieryUndisclosed2009 – 2010
Magdalena and AviermoreForbes CoalKwaZulu Natal, South AfricaConveyor upgradesScope of work involved designs for the upgrade of conveyors at Magdalena and AviermoreZAR2.2 million2011-2012
Leandra ProjectBHP Billiton (BECSA)Leandra District, South AfricaConceptual studyWork Breakdown Structure (WBS) and Capital Budget Estimate (CBE) at conceptual level for the Leandra ProjectUndisclosed2012
Koornfontein Mine ProjectOptimum CoalSouth AfricaFeasibility studyA revision of the previous feasibility study to cater for additional reserves identified by Koornfontein MinesZAR1.2 billion2011
Koornfontein Coal Mine ProjectSiyanda ResourcesSouth AfricaStudy workFeasibility studyZAR7 million2007-2008
Kestrel Mine Extension ProjectRio Tinto CoalAustralia, Queensland, Bowen BasinKestrel Mine Extension ProjectIncreasing mining lease by entering 400 series mining domain via new mine access and associated infrastructure to the west of the existing mine - includes performance review of EPCM consultant, value engineering and opportunity analysisUS$1.56 billion budget managed by consultantIn progress
Kangwange Anthracite ProjectSiyanda ResourcesKomatiepoort, Mpumalanga, South AfricaKangwange Anthracite ProjectConduct a feasibility study on the Kangwange Anthracite MineZAR32 million2011 – Current
Impumelelo Techno-Economic StudySasol MiningSouth AfricaEstablishment of a greenfields mine including 28km overland conveyor, shaft area, supporting infrastructure, shaft systemTechno-economic studyZAR14 million2008-2009
Impumelelo Mine Project – EPCMSasol MiningSecunda, Mpumalanga, South AfricaEPCM servicesThe 8.5 mtpa Impumelelo Mine Project is to be designed and constructed such that it can accommodate the first production section in July 2013 and build-up to full production with 13 continuous miners and six stonework sections in 2014ZAR247 million2009 – 2014
Eloff Coal Mine ProjectTotal Coal SASouth AfricaGreenfields development of 7 million tons per annum open-cut and underground mine with the coal processing plant and supporting infrastructure for the production of both export and Eskom productsScope of work involves conducting a conceptual study which covers the mining operations, the coal processing facilities, product dispatch options and all surface support infrastructure and supply of bulk services.Capital expenditure managed by the consultant amounts to ZAR 2.2 billion2008-2010
Dorstfontein West Mine ProjectTotal Coal SASouth AfricaProject management, design and procurementProject management, civil, mechanical and electrical design, provision of functional specifications and equipment data sheets, discard dump design, drafting services and procurement servicesZAR1.2billion2010-2011
Dorstfontein East Mine ProjectTotal Coal SASouth AfricaEPCMEPCMZAR1.2 billion2007-2011
Dorstfontein Coal Mine ProjectTotal Coal SASouth AfricaStudy workPre- and feasibility studiesZAR1.2 billion2007-20008
Braakfontein Coal ProjectKeaton EnergyKwaZulu Natal, South AfricaConceptual studyMine design and mine planning for a combined opencast and underground mineZAR 500,0002012
Boikarabelo Power Station Feed InvestigationResource Generation SAWaterberg, Limpopo, South AfricaPower station feed investigationInvestigation into alternative power supplies for the green fields coal project, culminating in the formulation of a Power PlanUndisclosed2011 – 2012
Boikarabelo Power Plant Desktop StudyResource Generation SAWaterberg, Limpopo, South AfricaPower plant desktop studyInvestigation into the commissioning of a coal fired power station to meet the project milestones and requirementsUndisclosed2011 – 2012
Boikarabelo Coal ProjectResource Generation SA Ltd (ResGen)Waterberg, Limpopo, South AfricaBoikarabelo Coal ProjectPre-feasibility study for the development of an open-pit mine to support both the export and domestic power generation marketsUndisclosed2008 – Current
Boikarabelo Coal FEED ProjectResource GenerationSouth AfricaFront-end engineering designFront-end engineering design for the development of an open-pit mine to support both the export and domestic power generation marketsUndisclosed2010-2011
Benga Coal Mine ProjectRiversdale Mozambique LimitadaMozambiqueGreenfields development of a 10.6 million tons per annum opencast coal mine with supporting infrastructure for the export marketDesign engineering and construction management of surface infrastructure, and construction of the coal handling process plant (CHPP)ZAR50 million2007/2008