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RSV Limitada

RSV Limitada was formed to provide project services in the emerging economies of Mozambique, particularly in the Coal Sector.

The company was registered in Maputo in 2009 and has been active in Tete, Mozambique since March 2009, being primarily involved with the infrastructure and design on the Benga Project for what is now Rio Tinto.

Mike Swatman CEO: RSV Limitada

B.Eng (Mech); SA Mines and Works (Mechanical) Certificate; registered PMP

Tel: +27 10 109 9247

Related Projects

Project NameClient NameProject LocationProject DescriptionScope of ServicesProject ValueDuration
Benga Coal Mine ProjectRiversdale Mozambique LimitadaMozambiqueGreenfields development of a 10.6 million tons per annum opencast coal mine with supporting infrastructure for the export marketDesign engineering and construction management of surface infrastructure, and construction of the coal handling process plant (CHPP)ZAR50 million2007/2008